Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Significator: Justice

I ended up using my conceptual toilet image as my Tarot-relay emblem for my Significator card, which happened to be Justice (using the birth date system this time).

On the toilet lid it is written: "Alachua Cabot Koppers." On the toilet seat are two figures: a female (who is dressed as though a bride or princess) and a male (curiously not dressed as a groomsman or prince). Between them is the abyss of the toilet, which holds and flushes away shit. In the middle-forefront is bottled water that is obviously impure. I do not want to give a reading of my conceptual image, as I feel as though such would defeat the purpose (for many reasons and on many scales). Nonetheless, I do want to gesture to some of the concepts I am generally approaching: disaster/accident; the relation between the micro and macro (and its relation to sense of justice); the complexity of limit; blind spots, the (w)hole, and the abyss, especially with regard to shit and pollution; productivity and the logic of late capitalism industry and desire for/of the commodity. Despite the toilet's function to "flush" away shit and fold it back into a "blind spot," if the toilet fails and clogs, then the water floods over, washing the two figures into the toilet or out of frame (they would, in this latter sense, "leave" Alachua/Cabot Koppers). Their ability to be together and stay together remains not only one of micro-desire, of re-cognized Moment, or of EPS, but also of knotted desire that inflects the well-being of the entire Community which maintains their GPS. 

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